Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Moving Forward

Hey.  It's been a while.  Nice to see you again.  Thank you for your patience during my hiatus.  Some things changed for me with my employment and my financial situation and I haven't seen much that has been good, lately.  My heart was damaged by people that I trusted, my spirit has been broken, and my mind has been consumed by fear and sadness.  The world is very frightening and my place in it is very unstable.  In the wake of all of this misfortune, I stopped listening to my own advice.  The entire point of this blog was forgotten.  My mind naturally/constantly focuses on darkness and this blog was supposed to be a way for me to actively work against it.  Instead, I gave up and lost it. 

So, to be clear....I am still not doing great, but I am here and being here is a pretty decent achievement for some people.  Like Stella, I am going to try to get my groove back and whether I succeed or not, I am still gonna' be here.  I am moving forward and that's "What's Good."  There will be new posts on this blog, because there are still things that are "good."  They might be harder to find, but I will not give up.  I am still here.  Thank you for being here with me.

<  Also, the new HAIM album wasn't great :,-(  >


  1. Hey Scott. Do you have any "good" advice on funny things to watch?

    1. Funny things to watch on a streaming service, on television, or something else? Also would you want the rating of the content to be PG, PG13, or R?
